The companies that are linked to Industria Ganadera S.A.S, are legally constituted, certified and authorized for export, developing excellent productive processes. In addition, they provide the slaughter, boning and transportation services. Some of them are listed below:

It’s a cold storage company located in four different venues accross the country (Corozal, La Dorada, Villavicencio, Cúcuta); currently certified in BPM and HACCAP granting quality procedures and processes in the value chain. Likewise its plants are type l, which allows them to export all around the world

FRIGORIFICO DEL SINU: Located in The city of Montería-Córdoba, its practices meet the international standards and its facilities are equipped with the latest technology in its processes.

Located in en Bucaramanga-Santander, one of most important cold storage companies in the country which also holds ISO 9001 and HACCP certifications.

The Halal Institute is the responsible organization for ensuring and providing to the food businesses the warranty seal; therefore it issues the Halal Certification, certifying that our products meet the health requirements specified in Islamic Law, for consumption by Muslims and non-Muslims.

Rio Frio, is located in Floridablanca, Santander and is currently considered one of the most complete cold storage of the country, it has high quality standards and application of technology. The National Institute of Food (INVIMA), has certified this place as a safe and authorized plant to market products nationally and internationally.